To answer this, let’s explore what the true meaning of ‘Yoga’ is and then readers can decide if a practice of Yoga helps with weight loss goals.
Yoga means ‘ To unite’- making a union. It is uniting your mind, body and breath.Yoga Sutra( authoritative text on Yoga) by Maharshi Patanjli outlines the eight limb path- Ashtang Yoga. Physical practice –Asanas(poses) are one of the eight limbs and out of the collection of 196 aphorisms(as sutra translates from Sanskrit) in Yoga Sutra, only 2 is devoted to explanation of physical practice! Yoga Sutra defines Yoga as a process of harnessing the fluctuations of the mind. It is bringing the scattered mind together and getting more in tune with your body and the messages it is giving you.
It is about cultivating the habit of mindfulness. It is not only about the Head To Knee pose or Warrior poses, but the pause in your thinking when you catch yourself reaching out to that sugary treat in the afternoon as a force of habit. It is about realizing what your body need is just a few relaxed breaths, a short nap or glass of pure water not the piece of candy or a pack of chips your mind thinks it wants. The human body is infinitesimally intelligent about its own needs. It is the product of millions of years of evolutionary adaptations and survival strategies. We are all born with that intelligence. Yoga helps us to create a natural connection with our own body which we have lost through our hectic, over –stimulated and busy lifestyle.
The Yogic practice of moving body with full awareness of breath is to increase the ‘prana’-life force by bringing the body and mind in harmony. We start to witness our unconscious behavior and uncover the root causes for it. Continuous practice slowly narrows the gap between what our mind wants and our body actually needs. Mind and body unite and merge to become one whole entity. Continuous inner turmoil is replaced by inner peace and calm. The mind does not feel guilty by the needs of the body and the body does not suffer because of the mind’s wants. This harmony is the greatest anti-dote to anxious and chronic stressed state most of us spend our time in.
Can Yoga help with Weight loss? Please find the answer for yourself.
Tejal Modi 200Hr.RYT
Yoga teacher and practitioner in Southern California.
Flexibility and balance exercises are important part of a comprehensive exercise routine. Making your muscles more flexible and improving balance protect you from injury during strenuous cardio exercise. Yoga is a great exercise for that. So yes incorporating Yoga or other flexibility exercise like Pilates is important.
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