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Understanding fat as an energy

Conventionally whenever we talk about the body fat we always have this image of body mass. But let's try to change our perspective and understand fat in terms of energy.

Scientifically fat gives us the most energy. The energy density of fat is highest at 9Kcal per gram.

Mathematically 1 lbs of fat mass ( that contains about 70 to 80% of pure fat and 20% of other substances/water) gives us roughly 3500 Kcal of potential energy.

Let's try to understand how much energy that is. As per the physical science if your body weight is 200 lbs then approximately 500 Kcal energy supply is needed to walk 64 minutes at 3.5miles/hr speed.

So if you can release and efficiently burn the energy stored in one lb of fat (3500 Kcal) then you can walk 26 miles at a stretch. Theoretically, this can be translated as having extra 100 lbs of fat mass means having an energy reservoir to walk 2600 miles at 3.5 miles/hr without dropping dead!!

Of course, the reality is much more different than this. In reality, after some point having a more fat mass on our body drains us of our energy. Why is that?

Keep in mind that our body does need stored energy ( calories) from food to carry out all its bodily function as well as to thrive and fat mass is must for it. The problem with the fat mass arises when there is blockage of energy release from that fat mass.

Let's try to understand.

Fat when it is stored as the potential energy it forms a mass. When that mass burns it releases that potential energy into other forms of energy giving us the power to move faster and more efficiently.

However, to burn this stored fat and release it into energy it has to go through a step- wise transformation.

We have this biggest misconception that physical exercise is the only way to burn those extra calories.

I am not saying that physical exercise is not important. Yes, it is very important for our health if it is understood in the context of other factors that affect overall energy. Embarking on a vigorous physical exercise without balancing other factors can actually be very harmful to our health and can lead to chronic fatigue.

Eastern ancient science sheds light on the systematic way of channeling our energy for efficient fat burning and vibrant health.

To understand the science behind different energy chakras ( wheels of energy) in our body and how to balance them to unleash the power within join us on Feb 24th in our next seminar.

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