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Fighting fat with fat!

Do you know we can burn white fat by activating brown fat in our body?

A human body has at least two kinds of fats: white and brown.

While too much of white fat is undesirable and has negative health outcomes brown fat has many positive health outcomes. Brown fat can also help us fight weight gain by burning more calories.

Let's try to understand this healthy fat.

Brown fat is composed of several small fat droplets and a large number of mitochondria. These mitochondria are the cell's burning engine and they are rich in iron. Brown fat derives its color from these mitochondria and lots of tiny blood vessels.

Brown fat is more around chest and neck area while white fat is more around the viscera, abdomen, hip and pelvis area.

Brown fat helps generate heat and regulate body's internal temperature. It helps burn far more calories than white fat while generating heat.

A research study in 2013 reported that brown fat can burn at least five times more stored energy than white fat.

However brown fat benefits may go far beyond burning calories.

A 2011 study using mice found that brown fat actually may decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes by lowering triglycerides ( bad lipids) in the bloodstream.Brown fat can use these triglycerides as a fuel and in turn lower their harmful effects

Sugar Molecule

Brown fat also has shown to help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by drawing the sugar molecule from the blood.

Babies have more brown fat than adults. As we get older our brown fat store decreases. However, there are ways to activate brown fat in our body.

If we can convert white fat into brown fat we can burn more calories even while sitting down and at the same time lower our risk of heart disease and diabetes.

To learn how to convert white fat into brown fat join us in our next seminar.

( Click on the image to get more information on our upcoming seminar)

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