Indian Gooseberry ( commonly known as 'Amla' in India) is a fruit that is very rich in Vitamin C. It is sour and astringent in taste.
It is extremely nutritious as in addition to a very high amount of vitamin C it also contains many other vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. It contains vitamin A, folates, vitamin B5 , vitamin B-6, and vitamin B1, as well as the minerals calcium (to prevent osteoporosis), magnesium, potassium (to help balance blood pressure and balance acids), copper, phosphorus,manganese, and iron (maintains good blood circulation and red blood regeneration).
Its vitamin C content is 20 to 30 time more than a fresh orange.
It is a powerful antioxidant. It is estimated that Indian Gooseberry's antioxidant potency is about 50 times higher than a blueberry.
Its very high vitamin C content improves collagen production in our body. Collagen improves elasticity of the skin as well as blood vessels,tendons and ligaments. Collagen keeps our skin firm and resilient, protecting it from wrinkling.
In Ayurveda ( Indian traditional medicine) it has been used to enhance energy and rejuvenate the body for millennia. It is said to keep you disease free and make you feel stronger and ten years younger.
Indian Gooseberry has many health benefits. Some important ones are:
Rejuvenation: Indian Gooseberry has been used for centuries in India as a rejuvenating and beauty superfood due to its very high vitamin C and antioxidant potency.
It improves skin tone. It prevents and restore hair loss. It gives a beautiful radiance to the skin and prevents premature graying of the hair. It also improve overall strength and sense of well being.
Heart healthy: It reduces total cholesterol levels, including the fatty acids called triglycerides, without affecting levels of the “good cholesterol” called high-density lipoprotein (HDL). It also improves the elasticity of blood vessels walls which in turn improves blood pressure control.
Prevents diabetes:
It stimulates pancreas to secrete the hormone insulin, thereby controlling blood sugar in diabetic patients and preventing diabetes in non-diabetic patients.
Improves vision: As it contains vitamin A and carotene it has a tremendous positive health effects on eyesight.It improves nearsightedness and prevents cataracts. It reduces macular degeneration and night blindness while strengthening the vision.
Prevents cancer- Due to its high antioxidant potential and vitamin C content Indian Gooseberry has been shown in studies to prevent the cancerous growth of cells.
Where can you find them?
Fresh Indian Gooseberry is hard to find in the USA but most of the Indian grocery stores carry frozen ones.
How to use it :
Indian Gooseberry- Turmeric Paste: