Cardamom is the world's third-most expensive spice, surpassed in price per weight only by vanilla and saffron.
It has a unique taste, with an intensely aromatic, resinous fragrance. It is a very common ingredient in Indian cooking, especially in desserts, coffee, and tea.
Cardamom comes in whole pods or pre-ground powder.
Pre-ground cardamom is not as flavorful as the whole pods or freshly ground seeds. Also, whole pods or freshly ground seeds have more of the essential oils.
Cardamom, along with being a multi-purpose spice, also brings with it many health benefits.
1: Digestive health: Cardamom is considered an excellent digestive aid, especially beneficial in reducing bloating and intestinal gas. It is a good spice for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and acidity. It has a cooling effect and helps to relieve heartburn.
2. Mood Enhancer: Cardamom works as aromatherapy. Its sweet flavor activates the comforting feeling and with it the positivism in our lives. Its unique flavor enhances the mood and helps alleviate mental stress.
3.Cures bad breath: The major active component of cardamom oil, cineole, is a potent antiseptic known for killing the bacteria causing bad breath and other infections. In India, it is many times used as a mouth freshener. One study found that cardamom extracts were effective in fighting five bacteria that can cause dental cavities.
4. Secret to longevity: According to Chinese tradition, drinking cardamom tea is known to be the secret to longevity. Cardamon tea helps in flushing out toxins and keeps our internal systems clean
5. Regulates blood sugar levels: Cardamom is rich in manganese which helps in controlling blood sugar levels in the body. It is often touted as an effective remedy for treating high blood sugar levels.
6. Supports weight loss: Cardamom boosts energy metabolism and helps the body burn more fat efficiently.
7. Respiratory Aid-Cardamom also acts as an expectorant and for that reason is recommended in cases of a cough, asthma, colds and bronchitis
8. Calms the mind : Cardamom gives us the necessary serenity to see things clearly. It reinforces the intellect to make a better discernment, while opening our mind, making us more flexible and serene. These seeds balance our nervous system and that is why it is recommended in cases of neuralgia. Cardamom works silently in our body but constantly.
How to use:
Cardamom tastes best freshly powdered. It combines well with other sweet spices such as fennel and with pungent spices such as cloves. It can be used in baking, in sweet sauces and puddings, and in milk shakes that include fruits and nuts. Crushed cardamom can be used as a topping for fresh fruits and fruit salads. Cracked cardamom pods add flavor to tea.