Mothers are the creative force in this universe! Life would not be possible without motherhood! So on this Mother's day, let's give ourselves and all moms what they deserve the most- the gift of health!
If you have been a mother, you know how our life revolves around our kids.
Many times, we give our health the last priority. Sometimes we even feel guilty for spending time toward our health, as we feel that we are taking that time away from our kids and our family!
Try sitting down to meditate for 5 minutes and your mind will be filled with thousands of things that you have to or you should be doing for your kids!!
However, we forget that we will never be able to give our best self to our family if we are not full of energy and vibrancy! It is very important to understand that if we want our kids to be healthy then we must first become their role models.
On this Mother's day, all you moms out there I implore you to give your kids, your family and your mom the best gift- not just today but the year around- A healthy and vibrant you!
How can you achieve this?
Be Mindful- Always be mindful of your actions and their impacts on your health and your overall well being. Try keeping a diary or a journal where you can write down your emotions, your food intake, your physical activities. At the end of the day analyze it and see what can you do better tomorrow.
Have some 'Me Time'- It is very important to have some time for just yourself- even if it is just half an hour a day. Do what you enjoy the most-play music, dance, draw a picture, blow bubbles- something creative, something that puts you in your 'Zen' moment. It will recharge your body, your mind, and your soul!
Meditate- Meditation is a way of exploring our inner dimension. We chase happiness in the outer world but real happiness and peace are nowhere else to found but somewhere deep within ourselves. Meditation is a bridge to this blissful dimension. Even 8-10 minutes of meditation a day will make you very calm and focused.
Connect to nature- Nature has a miraculous soothing effect on us. Next time you're upset, go out in nature and try to connect with the trees and nature's beauty around you. Feel how this whole universe is supporting life in a very loving and calm way.
What can be there for us to worry when Mother Nature is looking out for us!
Make books your best friend- Loneliness or empty wandering mind is the biggest cause of depression. But if you make the book your best friend you will never be lonely. Writing your own thoughts when you read any positive psychology book also will help you start a conversation with your best friend!
And most importantly
Happy Mother's day!